Provide Lecture session on different land issues
Provide Lecture session on different land issues
Our lecture sessions on land issues cover a wide range of important topics related to land management, ownership, and governance. The sessions aim to provide valuable insights into the complexities of land issues and offer potential solutions.

5. Provide Lecture session on different land issues
Exploring different land tenure systems and their implications on ownership rights, land use, and investment.
Understanding the significance of land use planning and zoning in both urban and rural areas, considering sustainability and balanced development.
Examining the process of land acquisition for public projects, emphasizing fair compensation and the protection of land rights.
Addressing common causes of land disputes and presenting mechanisms for resolving conflicts, emphasizing community engagement and stakeholder participation.
Resolve the disputes of lands which arise from the measurement activities. Boundary demarcation & its Consequences, Partition & Subdivision of land, its quasi-judicial measurement process & duties of Land owners.
Stressing the importance of effective land governance systems, securing land rights for individuals, communities, and indigenous peoples, and promoting transparency and accountability in land administration.
Discussing challenges and opportunities in rapidly urbanizing areas, including affordable housing, slum upgrading, and the balance between urban expansion and the preservation of agricultural land and green spaces.